External recognition

Accountability about our performance is very important to us, and we actively seek certification on the basis of stringent ISO quality and environmental standards. Every year, we also report on our sustainability progress in our annual report.

Transparent about our achievements

As PostNL we think it’s important to be socially responsible. We also want to provide insight into our sustainability for customers, suppliers, co-workers and others. That’s why we’ve signed up to a range of initiatives and standards that provide clarity about our performance.

Integrated annual report

We report about our CSR performance annually in an integrated annual report, following the international reporting guidelines of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). Our external auditors have given our annual report a high rating with a “reasonable assurance” statement.

ISO certificates

We’re certified based on stringent ISO quality and environmental standards.

  • ISO 9001: Quality of operational processes
  • ISO 14001 and level 2 carbon reduction management: Environmental aspects of the business
  • ISO 45001: Health and safety
  • ISO 27001: Information security

Standards, benchmarks and concrete results

Various representatives of external stakeholders and independent organisations evaluate our policy and performance in relation to sustainability. Whether these parties do the evaluation based on public disclosures by PostNL or self-assessment surveys, we aim to be as transparent as possible about sustainable development within our company. The evaluation of these stakeholders helps us identify areas for improvement.

We contribute to several benchmarking initiatives to provide relevant information to our investors and other stakeholders they represent. These benchmarks also give us insight into the progress we’re making on sustainable development in general and in specific areas compared with our peers. And they provide us with feedback on potential improvements and changes to the way we do things, helping us to make further progress.

Important guidelines, benchmarks and initiatives: more information and results

  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index
    The Dow Jones Sustainability Index is a worldwide benchmark which rates companies on economic, social and environmental aspects. PostNL is placed sixth as of December 2024 in the DJSI for transportation and transportation infrastructure, and even achieved the second highest sector score on the environment. Of the logistics e-commerce companies, PostNL was the only one to secure a place in the top 10.
  • Carbon Disclosure Project
    We report annually to the Carbon Disclosure Project about our carbon performance. This sets out our initiatives and performances in reducing the impact on the environment. In 2022 PostNL secured a place on its prestigious “A List” for tackling climate change.
  • EcoVadis
    EcoVadis, an international organisation that rates companies on their CSR performance, has assessed PostNL on our environmental policy, employment practices, ethics and sustainable procurement. It rates our performance in this area in the top 1% of companies in the postal, courier and multi-modal freight transport activities industry. We’ve been given the Platinum certification for this in 2021. Ministry of Economic Affairs transparency benchmark Our annual report is assessed for the annual Transparency Benchmark organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs. This involves a focused scrutiny on a number of CSR themes. PostNL maintains a consistent position amongst the leading companies on this benchmark.
  • Science Based Targets Initiative
    We put our carbon reduction targets to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and received validation and approval as early in 2019. Our reduction targets are in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. The SBTi was created by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the World Resources Institute to encourage companies to solidly determine their sustainability targets and base these on science.
  • UN Global Compact
    We endorse the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, which relate to aspects including human rights, labour and the environment. We report annually to the UN on our progress with regard to these principles.
  • International Post Corporation
    As a member of the International Post Corporation, PostNL participates in this organisation’s annual benchmark. We have been in the top 4 on this benchmark in the last couple of years.
  • The Dutch Green Building Council
    In collaboration with The Dutch Green Building Council we’ve developed a sustainability certification for existing business premises. The aim is to utilise this certification to make the use of our buildings even more sustainable.
    We strive to make sure that our new buildings are as sustainable as possible. We’re building parcel sorting centres that meet very stringent sustainability requirements. Our efforts to make buildings as sustainable as possible include installing solar panels on roofs, using environmentally friendly wood (FSC) and fitting extra insulation in roofs and exterior walls so that we lose as little energy as possible. There’ll be nesting boxes outside for local birds and insects, too. During construction we’re working to ensure minimum residual waste, to limit disruption and to sort waste on site as much as possible. Seven of our parcel sorting and distribution centres were awarded BREEAM-NL certificates, with one achieving 'Excellent' and six 'Outstanding'. Our aim is to get our other centres up to this certification standard soon.
  • VBDO
    We’re actively collaborating with CSR studies by the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling - VBDO), amongst others. VBDO represents the interests of institutional and private investors who wish to contribute to sustainable development. Their studies relate to issues including responsible taxation policy.
  • Lean and Green
    Lean and Green, a programme to encourage the public and private sectors to achieve higher levels of sustainability performance, awarded PostNL Parcels a second Lean and Green Star in 2018 on the basis of our environmental performance. This recognises PostNL as one of the Netherlands’ outstanding companies.
  • WorkforceDisclosure Initiative
    The Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) was set up to encourage improved disclosure by listed companies on their treatment of the workforce in their business operations and supply chains. In 2020, PostNL took part in the WDI. Survey results will be released on 31 March 2021.
  • Diversity Charter
    The Diversity Charter signals intent and focuses on employers in the public and private sectors. Its signatories commit to more diversity and inclusion in the workforce. In 2015, we were one of the first companies to sign the charter.
  • Talent to the Top
    Talent to the Top is a foundation with a social purpose: to promote more diverse talent at top and sub-top levels. It was born from a joint effort by the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers VNO-NCW, trade unions, the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) and representatives of companies and the ministries of Economic Affairs and Education, Culture and Science. PostNL has signed its charter and in 2019 received the Talent to the Top Diamond Award.