PostNL most sustainable logistics e-commerce operator in the world
In 2024, PostNL once again ranks among the most sustainable companies in the world, as shown by S&P Global’s Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), which assesses corporate environmental and social performances. Claiming sixth place in the index overall, it nabbed top position among the world’s other logistics e-commerce players in December 2024.

Among the top of the league for years
PostNL has operated at the very top of the transport sector’s most sustainable companies for years. As Herna Verhagen, PostNL’s CEO, notes: "Sustainability is not a choice, it’s our responsibility. This recognition of our efforts as one of the most sustainable companies in the world is a milestone that we’ve only been able to achieve because of the sheer commitment and drive of all our people. By participating in benchmarks such as these, we keep raising the bar for ourselves and aiming for continuous improvement. So, this is not just recognition but also a great motivator to take the next step forward – and as a large company we want to play a leading role."
Focused investment in environment and climate
PostNL has been working to reduce its impact on environment and climate for many years. It invests in electric vehicles (EVs) and cleaner fuel, runs smart routes and transports as little air in packaging as possible. The energy powering its sorting centres is fully derived from solar and wind. In addition, PostNL joins forces with other companies to develop more sustainable business models, such as reusable packaging and recommerce solutions. It also innovates by providing alternative delivery options, such as parcel and letter lockers in public spaces as well as smaller lockers for parcel and letter deliveries to people’s homes – making for fewer delivery miles and fewer stops.
High scores on human rights, health & safety, and governance
PostNL does equally well on human rights and health & safety, as it’s looking to be a company that people really want to work at, with and for. PostNL operates at the heart of society and is committed to gender equality. In fact, it was one of the first companies in the world to offer paid transition leave in its collective labour agreement (CLA) and has since added leave for adoptive and surrogate parents. Meanwhile, it pursues a zero-tolerance policy on inappropriate behaviour and harassment.