PostNL provides update on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 due to coronavirus outbreak
17 March 2020 – The Hague – In light of the evolving coronavirus outbreak, PostNL is providing an update on its upcoming Annual Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), scheduled to be held on 14 April 2020 in The Hague, in the Netherlands.
To mitigate potential health risks, PostNL kindly makes the unusual request to its shareholders not to attend the meeting in person, and to make use of the option to exercise their voting rights by way of electronic or written proxy. PostNL has extended the possibility to grant a written or electronic proxy. Proxy forms and/or the electronic proxy must be received at the latest by Sunday 12 April 2020 at 17:00 CET. Please note that your intermediary might stipulate a different deadline. Shareholders are referred to PostNL’s original convocation for more details on how to exercise their voting rights. In order to enable shareholder viewing, the AGM will be made public via video webcasting.
Unfortunately, PostNL considers it necessary to cancel all social gatherings surrounding the meeting, and will not be providing lunch or a post-meeting reception. Given the measures imposed by the Dutch government, is has been decided that only a limited number of members of the Supervisory Board may physically attend. The members of the Supervisory Board and Board of Management present during the meeting will not be available for social interaction other than at the AGM itself. We are monitoring the situation, and are bound by any further measures imposed by the Dutch government.
Questions by shareholders
PostNL is inviting shareholders to submit any questions in relation to the agenda items prior to the meeting, and have therefore extended the possibility for submitting questions. These questions shall be addressed and discussed jointly during the meeting. Shareholders are invited to address any such questions to the Corporate Secretary, Mr. E.H. de Wit, at the offices of PostNL (Prinses Beatrixlaan 23, 2595 AK The Hague, the Netherlands) or by e-mail at by Monday 13 April 2020 at 09:00 CET at the latest.
PostNL advises people to regularly check its website for any further updates.
About PostNL
We are PostNL, here for everyone, bringing it all together for 225 years. With an extensive network of nearly 5,700 PostNL points, 10,000 letterboxes, and around 1,100 automated parcel lockers, also open to various carriers, along with millions of users of the PostNL app, we're always close by. We aim to be everyone's favourite deliverer by making it as easy as possible to send and receive parcels and mail. With over 32,000 colleagues working with us, we are part of society. On an average weekday, we deliver 1.2 million parcels and 6.3 million letters.
We optimise and support our physical networks through the use of smart digital solutions and introduce new propositions that add value for our customers. And aim for sustainable employment relationships by being a good employer to all people working with and for us. We focus on sustainability, making many journeys on foot and by bicycle, increasingly using cleaner fuels and electric vehicles, and offering innovative city logistics. PostNL N.V. is a publicly traded company with a turnover of €3.3 billion in 2024.