Postage rates for 2021 published

The postage stamp price for letters in the Netherlands will increase by 5.5% from €0.91 to €0.96. This increase, along with the other rate changes, falls within the margin set by ACM. PostNL will continue the moderate rate policy of recent years in 2021.

Postage rates 2021

Starting 1 January 2021, PostNL will increase the rates for sending letters within the Netherlands and from the Netherlands abroad. For franked mail, the rate will change from €0.85 to €0.90. The basic rate for letters sent abroad will be €1.55 (previously €1.50). PostNL’s complete product range, including rates, can be found on from mid-October.

Resi Becker, responsible for Mail in the Netherlands “PostNL wants to keep the mail reliable, accessible and affordable. We can guarantee this through cost savings. Many people see the relevance of mail, which we noticed especially during the first months of the coronavirus crisis when many people sent each other cards. However, post volume continues to decline across the board. A moderate increase in rates is necessary in order to provide the best service to our customers, to be a good employer and to remain a financially healthy company.”

December stamp 2020

The rate for PostNL’s December stamps in 2020 will be €0.86. As per last year, the special December stamps are 5 cents cheaper than regular postage stamps. A book of 20 December stamps will cost €17.20. The stamps will be available to buy from 16 November at post offices, parcel points, stamp sales outlets and via, and are valid until 6 January 2021.

Parcel rates 2021

The rates for sending a parcel in the Netherlands will remain unchanged, with the exception of registered parcels – which will be €0.25 more expensive. Sending a standard parcel costs €7.25, but preparing it online delivers an attractive saving of €0.50.

All rates

PostNL’s complete product range, including rates, can be found on from mid-October.