Executive Committee

The Executive Committee advises and supports the Board of Management and comprises the members of the Board of Management and Directors of PostNL (Mail in the Netherlands, Parcels & Logistics, Cross Border Solutions, E-commerce Operations, E-commerce Commerce) and HR, the Chief Information Officer and Chief Digital Officer.

The responsibility for day-to-day management of the PostNL divisions is decentralised on the basis of established standards, requirements and guidelines. The directors of PostNL’s divisions are primarily responsible for developing and executing the business strategy and operational performance of each of their respective segments within the framework set by PostNL’s strategy.

The Executive Committee currently has nine members:

  • Herna Verhagen (CEO and chairperson)
  • Pim Berendsen (CFO) 
  • Maurice Unck, responsible for Mail in the Netherlands
  • Tijs Reumerman, responsible for Cross Border Solutions
  • Jeroen Veldstra, responsible for HR
  • Iris van Wees, responsible for E-commerce Operations
  • Stephan van den Eijnden, responsible for E-commerce Commerce
  • Willem-Jan van Tongeren, Chief Information Officer, responsible for IT
  • Bart Delmulle, Chief Digital Officer

By-laws Executive Committee