Postage costs for insufficient postage
What if mail has been sent with not enough postage?
Have you sent or received mail with no or insufficient stamps? Then we ask that you pay for both missing stamps and administration costs.
What if mail has been sent with not enough postage?
Have you sent or received mail with no or insufficient stamps? Then we ask that you pay for both missing stamps and administration costs.
If too few stamps have been added, we ask the sender to pay the postage costs. Unfortunately, the sender is not always known. Because it may be important mail, we will still deliver it. By doing so, we hope that the recipient is prepared to pay for the postage.
Insufficient postage is always paid by the sender in the following situations:
Are you sending mail internationally that has unpaid or insufficient postage? In this case, we will still send the shipment to the addressee. The additional franking costs for international shipments are paid by the sender. The sender will then receive a payment request. If the sender is unknown, the shipment will be stamped. In that case, the postage costs must be paid by the recipient of the shipment.
You will receive a postage card to use in order to pay the postage costs. You can pay in two ways:
If insufficient stamps have been added to domestic postage, we will charge €1.21 in postage costs or a multiple thereof. We reduce the correct franking value with the stamped value. The resulting amount is rounded up to a multiple of a ‘stamp 1’ (€1.21). An administration surcharge of €3.63 also applies.
You receive a letter that is missing 4 cents worth of stamps. In this case, you will pay €1.21 in postage costs plus €3.63 in administration costs. In total, you will pay €4.84.
If insufficient stamps have been added to international postage, we will charge €1.21 in postage costs or a multiple thereof. We reduce the correct franking value with the stamped value. The resulting amount is rounded up to a multiple of a ‘stamp 1’ (€1.21). An administration surcharge of €3.63 also applies.
You have sent international mail that is missing 5 cents worth of stamps. You will then pay EUR €1.21 in postage costs, plus €3.63 in administration costs. In total, you will pay €4.84. We will always send the underpaid shipment abroad regardless. As the sender, you will receive a postage card.