How does it work?
- 1
Keep your barcode at hand
Make sure that you have your shipment's barcode close at hand. You can find this code on the shipping receipt or, for example, in het email from the online shop where you made the purchase.
- 2
Fill in the barcode
his number generally begins with ‘3S’ or ‘2S’ and also contains a combination of numbers and letters. Type the barcode in without any spaces.
- 3
Complete the postal code
Complete the postal code of the recipient.
- 4
Click ‘Search’.
You will now see the information about the shipment’s location.

Choose your own delivery time or place
Is the delivery time not convenient? Then you can choose where and when you wish to receive your parcel. The available options can be viewed in the track and trace environment.
Nobody at home?
We can drop your parcel off with your neighbours or at a PostNL point in your area. Good to know: we will store your parcel at the PostNL point for up to a week. After that, we will return it to the sender.
Track an international shipment
Track your international shipment. Select the destination country and fill in the barcode. Then click on ‘Find parcel’. The information will now appear on the screen.

Track and trace: for business users too
As a business customer of PostNL, you can use the business track & trace module in Mijn PostNL. You can find more information about your shipments here. This will help you assist your customers more quickly and efficiently.