How to label a letter

The right address ensures a smooth delivery

We like to make sure your letter is delivered quickly to the right address. That is why it is important to write the complete address correctly and clearly on the envelope.

How to label a letter

There are a number of guidelines to correctly label the mail:

Length of address 

Minimum 3, maximum 6 address lines

Order of the address lines

  1. Name
  2. a. Street name and house number (and any additional information)
    b. Or PO Box and PO Box number
    c. Or business reply service
  3. Postal code and city

Correct postal code spelling

  • Space between the digits and letters of the postal code
  • spaces between the postal code and city 

Correct spelling of city/town

Write the city/town in capital letters

Recommended font style and font size for printed addresses

  • Sans serif fonts, e.g. Arial, Calibri, Helvetica and Verdana
  • Font size between 10 and 12 points 

Note: avoid using underlined or italicised letters. These cannot be read by a machine.

Examples for correctly labelling your mail:

Don't forget to include the sender

Always remember to include the sender on the envelope. This will allow the recipient to reply to your letter. And PostNL can return the letter if it cannot be delivered. The postal code and house number of the sender may be enough within the Netherlands. 

Are you sending international mail? In that case, always include the sender's complete address.

This is how you include the sender on the envelope:

Don't forget to include the sender

Are you handwriting the address on the envelope? Then write the sender on the back.

Example of the sender on a handwritten envelope:

Handgeschreven adressen

2. Sender with a printed address

Is the address not handwritten, for example are you using a printed address label or a window envelope? Then add the sender in the upper left corner of the envelope (on one line).

Example of a sender on a non-handwritten envelope:

Niet-handgeschreven adressen