Why the crypto stamp is special
Physical stamp
You can collect the physical stamp or use it for sending your mail.Digital twin
Every physical NL crypto stamp has a QR code with which you can discover its digital twin. That's your own NFT ('non fungible token').World premiere
This edition is éxtra special because we're releasing it as a joint issue with the Austrian Post.
Collaboration between 4 countries
4 countries, 4 crypto stamps. There’s a new addition to the magical world of crypto stamps. Alongside Austrian Post and Luxembourg Post, Belgian Post is joining the family! This autumn, we’re releasing a new crypto stamp together with 4 countries. Below are the links to the websites where you can purchase the crypto stamps:
Go directly to
How it works
Missed the first NL crypto stamp last year? Or curious about what’s next? More information about the NL crypto stamp 2 will appear here soon.
Getting started with your crypto stamp
Discover the colour of your digital twin and create your own NFT wallet.
The NL crypto stamp safe
Any questions?
All NL Crypto Stamps are now priced at €10.80.
You can purchase the NL crypto stamps exclusively through our website.
An NL crypto stamp safe is a physical stamp with a digital twin and is available in 5 symbols: a dummy, a bottle, a rainbow, a treasure and a magic book. You can use an NL crypto stamp safe to transform the digital twin of the NL crypto stamp into a whole new NFT.
You can use the lion, bull and dragon. But don’t get rid of unused safe crypto stamps, because this is only the beginning!