Energy surcharge for parcels

Our ambition is to be the favourite deliverer for you and for your customers. And we are doing everything we can to do make this as cost-effective as possible. For example, we have decided not to make any adjustments to our rates despite fuel and energy costs having been on the rise since 2021. We have fully absorbed these costs. Unfortunately this is no longer feasible. Therefore, we adjust our rates with a variable energy surcharge since 1 January 2023. On this page we will explain what you can/might notice about this.

What is the energy surcharge?

The energy surcharge is a variable surcharge per collo to cover rising fuel and energy costs. These are costs for diesel, HVO 100, gas and electricity involved in the parcel delivery process. When the current prices for fuel and energy increase or decrease the energy surcharge will increase or decrease along with it.

How is the energy surcharge calculated?

We combine the current pump price of diesel and average energy rates from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) to calculate the amount of the energy surcharge.

When is the energy surcharge billed for a specific month?

The CBS rates for the previous month will be available during the following month. We then have to calculate the energy surcharge. This is why the index and associated energy surcharge of a specific month is invoiced on parcels that are sent two months later. This means that the index and associated energy surcharge from November will be used for parcels sent in January.

How high is the energy surcharge?

The PostNL energy index for the month of January 2025 is 138. This falls in the bandwidth 130-140 with an associated energy surcharge of €0.08 per parcel. This surcharge will be invoiced for the month of March 2025. See also the question “When is the energy surcharge billed for a specific month?” for more information about billing the energy surcharge.

To which products does the energy surcharge apply?

The energy surcharge applies to business parcels both in the Netherlands and in Europe.

How do I see the surcharge on my invoice?

You will see the energy surcharge per collo on your invoice.

Why is there an energy surcharge on my invoice for shipping non-EU parcels?

We are changing the name 'transport surcharge' for non-EU parcels to energy surcharge. The surcharge for destinations outside the EU is determined by air transport costs.

Does this energy surcharge apply to me?

The energy surcharge applies to customers who send business parcels within the Netherlands and Europe. See an overview of the products and product codes stated in question To which products does the energy surcharge apply?

How will I be informed if the energy surcharge increases or decreases?

You will always find the energy surcharge per collo on your invoice. There you will also find whether it has increased or decreased compared to the previous month. We also post a monthly update of the PostNL energy index on this webpage.

What are you doing to limit rising energy costs?

We continue to invest in sustainable activities such as the use of solar panels, renewable fuels and electric vehicles.

Is electricity not already included in the NEA and am I not paying double now?

We are going to calculate the annual NEA price adjustments without fuel. This means that we can ensure that we do not charge any costs for fuel and electricity in the distribution via the NEA price adjustment.

For how long will the energy surcharge apply?

The energy surcharge will apply for as long as the PostNL energy index is above 110.

PostNL energy index

View the PostNL energy index here. The associated energy surcharge is specified from January 2023 and from an index of 110.
